Hey, guess who had entirely too much fun drawing silly faces this week?

Not much else clever to say about the comic itself, mostly because I’m up waaaay too late/early getting it posted at all… because I blew much of the time I meant to be working on this page FINALLY getting some more stuff re-posted over on the Voting Incentive & Patreon Gallery… and man, it’s nowhere NEAR as much material as it feels like it should be given how much time I spent fiddling with stuff.  But hey, now ya’ll have that much more content to look at today!

And speaking of both content and lateness, a new TWC Voting Incentive DID eventually go up over the weekend, and it’s the last of the “Stuff That’s Canon” series.  Seeing as how it hasn’t really been up that long yet, I’m just gonna leave it up until the following Thursday.  Well, that and I still need to come up with a NEW Voting Incentive idea and could use an extra week to come up with something.  In fact, as long as I’ve got everyone’s attention, ya’ll wouldn’t happen to have any good ideas for new TWC stuff, would you?  Something low-effort enough to not get in the way of regular comic work but still more interesting than more “I listened to a random song and drew a picture about it”?  If you have any ideas, feel free to post ’em below!