Another one of those pages where it didn’t really hit me until it was done that I’d written it as though it were going up just a couple DAYS after the last one, not a full week.  But darn it, I just couldn’t move on once it hit me that, despite all the crazy faces Avi made last time, I hadn’t thought to draw him making… THAT face.  That one face all the anime go to when somebody’s REALLY about to go crazy, with the buggy eyes and the top-down angle and the fisheye lens effect.  So I basically wiped up an entire page just to do that… and couldn’t quite pull it off.  I mean, yeah, the kid definitely looks nuts and all, but there’s just something about that warped perspective that I couldn’t get right after hours and hours and HOURS of tinkering.  But then, I dunno why that should surprise me, perspective has ALWAYS been my sworn enemy.

BUT ANYWAY, if all goes well, a new set of TWC Voting Incentives SHOULD start up this Friday, and to mark the occasion, I’m really gonna TRY to get another batch of old Incentives re-posted to the Gallery by then.  This time I will RESIST he urge to clean up any of the art, so I should be able to get a whole lot more done, but I guess we’ll see won’t we?

EDIT: Eh, why wait?  Here’s the last bit of 2014 Voting Incentives right away!

1/17 EDIT: And a SECOND batch!  Now the first Patreon MadLib comic is up on the Gallery too!

1/20 EDIT: OKAY!!!  It’s even later than last time, but THE NEW INCENTIVE SERIES HAS FINALLY BEGUN!