Uh oh, looks like somebody got inspired by the April Fools page to play around with animation again.  I don’t normally give away easter eggs like this, but I’m actually not sure if you can just pause an animated PNG in-browser, and this wound up a lot harder to read while in motion than I’d intended, but one of those crawlspaces in between the floors has “Trigger Was Here” graffiti.  I’m pretty sure the eagle-eyed among you should be able to catch the OTHER bits without my help.

Anyway, despite what both the complexity of this gimmick and the fact that I was up until after 4 getting it finished, this is actually something of a stop-gap page.  I mentioned this elsewhere, but I got weirdly suddenly sick right the frig outta nowhere for a couple days last week, and it badly threw off my work flow on everything.  The page I really wanted to do next would have required me to get started drawing it at least a full day earlier than I was physically able to, preferably more.  And while the EDITING of this was way more tediously time consuming than usual, the actual drawing was lightning quick, and that’s the part that I most need to be on my a-game to actually do.  So here we are.

Hopefully, the aforementioned workflow hiccup won’t get in the way of a fresh TWC Voting Incentive this Friday.  I’ve got plenty more to do, there’s literally a half-finished Conventional Wisdom page open in another tab in Clip Studio right behind the one for this page.  I ping-ping back and forth between projects a lot, as in “do a page of one thing, then go do a page of another,” but it is RARE for me to literally have two separate comic pages open simultaneously.  I must really be playing catch up right now.

EDIT: NEW VOTING INCENTIVE IS UP!  It’s late, but it’s up!