Oh man, THIS was set up a looooooong while ago… so long that even I nearly forgot about it!

No, seriously, I was all proud of myself for somehow managing to actually get a head start on penciling the next page over a weekend where I was totally afraid I’d end up starting work way too late… only to realize right before I started inking that I’d had a MASSIVE brain fart and started working on page 1345 instead of this one!  So yeah, I went from thinking I was unusually ahead of schedule to being even further BEHIND schedule than usual.  And just to make matters worse, when I finally DID get the page finished, it was just after my internet had gone out.  So yeah, I’m frantically scrambling to get this thing posted before it decides to crap out again.  Fun times.

Well, let’s look at it this way: I’m really REALLY ahead of schedule on NEXT week’s page… and I’m gonna need it, because I’ve actually already started work on this year’s Christmas comics! IT NEVER ENDS!!!

Oh yeah, and I almost forgot: I did, if fact, manage to get a new TWC Voting Incentive done last week, on top of the bonus Halloween page. Yay me.