And I just want to take a second to say that last panel is one of the tougher things I’ve tried to draw around here in a WHILE. Heck, even just the handprint on Avi’s cheek was a logistical nightmare, since Layla’s pose & her arc of movement meant that her actual fingers would be pointed the opposite direction in the instance we’re seeing from what they would have been when contact was actually made.  Surprisingly, I haven’t slapped enough people in the face IRL to just know these things without a lot of artistic trial and error.

BUT ANYWAY, it seems like every time I say “Okay, I was really distracted this week, but NEXT week I can focus on normal stuff” some new thing immediately gets summoned into existence to throw me off.  In this case, I realized with a shock that the end of the month was looming and I needed to actually finish at least SOME of the random side projects I’d told myself I’d get done by that point.  So there’s gonna be some extra Patreon stuff going up in the next few days, which hopefully won’t disrupt the schedule of anything ELSE getting done (like, ya know, the much lamented TWC Voting Incentives).  But also, oh I dunno, there just might be a little extra content coming together for a certain day that happens at the beginning of a certain month, I dunno…

EDIT: NEW VOTING INCENTIVE IS UP EARLY!  Yup, a certain other project turned out to be less time consuming than I’d anticipated (or, to put it another way, it would have been TOO time consuming to go back and do it better from scratch, so I just called it done) and as long as I was ahead of schedule, I figured I’d go ahead and post this thing as soon as it was done.  It’s the least I could do for missing last week, right?