Holy cow, I’d say that the Cameo Fest is working out pretty well! Not only are there STILL plenty of submissions coming in, but the weekend between the last page and this one saw the highest concentration of hits in Far Out There HISTORY! (nearly a thousand!) So, who’s paying FOT a visit today?

To Ichabod’s left, in red, is Ronoe Hinta from Millennium by Senshuu

Behind Layla, WAY more obscured than I intended (sorry!) is Fenny Baker from The Devon Legacy by JustNoPoint

In the lower panel, between Layla and the hand, is Frederic from The Mad Scientist Wars

…and watching on the far right is Hiro from Wolfloner’s Digimon World Adventure

Way fewer cameos than last week and I STILL had some trouble getting them all visible. Well, I’m slowly getting the hand of this thing. Also, if you look to Trigger’s right in the top panel, you’ll see Gargoyle from Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, one of the greatest anime EVAR.

(Historical Notes: Man, Tabitha’s Dad randomly cycles through a lot of different fonts over his various appearances.  Also, wow. Exactly ONE link that still works, and it goes to a comic that no longer updates.  I really AM the Last Survivor.)