I’m even more sure than ever that this will in now way have any negative repercussions for Avi.  Definitely not.

So, certain early birds will discover that this page is actually going live Monday night instead of Tuesday morning!  Am I finally getting back on top of this whole “work flow” thing and becoming productive again?  HAHAHAHAHAno.  Actually, there’s some housework projects that need to get done this week, which necessitated getting this thing finished at an actually reasonable hour for once.  Can’t be staying up all night editing a comic if I’ve gotta actually perform real physical labor the next morning, ya know?

On that note, I’ll apologize in advance if I lose track of what day it is and forget to do a new TWC Voting Incentive again.  Obviously, I’m gonna TRY to get everything done on time, but it really is amazing just how little my daily routine has to change in order for my perception of the whole week to get thrown out the window.

EDIT: So…. yeah… about that.  It’s Thursday afternoon as I write this, and I’ve been up for… like… a pretty long time.  Around 36 hours, I think? Well, I just burned my last remaining brain cell getting a new Conventional Wisdom page finished, and I don’t think I can stay awake long enough to get a new Voting Incentive done.  Sorry, gang. …but we got most of the house stuff done!