FINALLY.  For those of you showing up in late… that’s totally in the spirit of this page, because this thing is limping into The Internet over a whole day later than intended.  One MIGHT be tempted to assume that’s because of how frickin’ busy this page is, and yeah, all of these various elements took a long time to edit.  There’s a mathematical equation to be worked out that would calculate just how much the editing time inflates with every additional panel in which I have to color in all of Stilez’s stripes.  But no, the REAL culprit is me getting started on this thing cataclysmicaly behind schedule due to some VERY late-onset Con Crud.  Normally, if you wind up bringing a cold or something back from the convention with you, it really hits the day after you get back.  But know, THIS lethargic bugger didn’t decide to make its presence known until the end of the week.  That’s just some insidious mind games on the part of disease, right there.  I’m already gonna be spending the day or two right after the con recovering from sunburn and blistered feet; to get over that mess and ONLY THEN get hit with a head full of mucus, that’s just mean spirited.  But yeah, I was hocking up snot every place for pretty much the whole weekend, RIGHT when I was supposed to be doing the heavy lifting on this page.  It’s surprisingly hard to be funny when you have to blow your nose ever ten seconds.

Now, as late as this page was, it SHOULDN’T affect me getting the next TWC Voting Incentive done… at least not in terms of having enough creative juices left to do it.  However, there IS the very real possibility of me losing track of what day of the week it is now, so I MIGHT wind up frantically posting it sometime Saturday because I spent all of Friday thinking it was still Thursday.  Seriously, when the update schedule gets screwed up this bad, it takes the whole rest of the week for me to get back on schedule again.

8/11 EDIT: Okay!  New TWC Voting Incentive is up!  At least SOMETHING isn’t late around here!