THERE!  Finally up!  Sorry it took so long, gang.  If you missed the heads up yesterday, I was away from the house for, like, two days straight, and that’s kind of not great for productivity, ya know?  Of course, speaking of productivity, that was also pretty much the LAST time I’ll be able to leave the computer desk until the Otakon at the end of the month.  So that’ll be fun.  (And on that note, new TWC Incentives are still on hold until I can clear the deck of the backlog of Conventional Wisdom stuff)

Also, in the rough draft, Avi was going to ask why using steam power and gears for everything required wearing top hats all the time… but then I remembered that we’ve never actually seen May in a top hat, so it didn’t make a lot of sense in context.  That, and have you SEEN the jacket Avi has on right now?

Oh, and just a bit of friendly advice to anybody who wanders into this one comic page, sees the jab about political arguments, and decides that makes for a perfect excuse to go down to the comments and share Real Life examples: READ THE FREAKIN’ ROOM.