First off, THERE WAS A BONUS HOLIDAY COMIC YESTERDAY!  Go back and read that, too!

Anyway, MORE LORE DUMP!  …though if we were hearing this all in person, May would probably have motormouthed through the whole page in, like, thirty seconds.

Also, I think that stuffed gear in a top hat is perhaps a relative of the thing in this old Conventional Wisdom comic.

Speaking of which, while the dust has indeed mostly settled on the OTHER stuff I was working on last week, now I find myself really scrambling to finish up the rest of the Conventional Wisdom stuff from Animazement before I have to head out to Otakon… in just a few weeks.  So I’m probably NOT going to have enough time to actually start up the next TWC Incentive series yet after all.  I dunno, if I can pull off a miracle and get *counts* seven or eight pages drawn before the end of this week, then maybe NEXT week I’ll be able to start putting out some new stuff, but at the moment my plate is already more than full.  Sorry!

7/10 EDIT: …and now I’m DOUBLY sorry, because due to Real Life complications resulting in me being away from the house for pretty much two days straight, I don’t even have the next pare REMOTELY edited up yet.  It’s not even in “just post the line art” shape yet, so I’m just pushing everything back a day.  Page 1280 will be up on Wednesday.  Sorry!