…now he just sticks to eating apples, like all the time.

I mentioned this in the comments last time, but I cut out Ichabod’s line from the previous page to keep the focus on Layla.  Originally I was just gonna squeeze it into a later page… but then I suddenly really wanted to draw the Xafri twins again, and the next thing I knew it’d grown into a full page.  Look, I really like all these extra nitpicker characters I came up with, and it really sucks that the plot is in a spot where I can’t use them more!

Also, because I’ve been really bad about posting reminders about this sort of thing: Jenna’s Patreon comic just hit 50 pages!

(EDIT: AWW DANG IT, I forgot to do a new Voting Incentive yesterday… again!  Fortunately, I had a special idea held in reserve specifically for the inevitable moment when I’d need to slap an incentive together REALLY quick, so it’s up now.  Sorry!)