…AAAaaaand we’re back!  Thanks for indulging me on another Christmas comic spree, folks!  Are you totally sick of wrapping paper and pictures of my floor?  We’ve still got one more extra holiday comic coming this weekend for New Year’s, but I can guarantee it’s not going to be related to the present stuff in any way whatsoever.  I’m not sure what it WILL be, mind you, I just know it won’t be an epilogue like the last New Years toon.  Sorry, but even after getting the rest of the Christmas pages done ahead of schedule, the holidays still really kicked my butt from a business standpoint.  Not in a bad way, really, but I’m still gonna need another day or two to fully recover… so apologies in advance if I totally lose track of what day it is and forget to swap out the Voting Incentive on Thursday, ‘cos that totally feels like the kind of crap I’d do this week.

Speaking of being busy, keep an eye on the Voting Incentive/Patreon Gallery over the next week or so, because I’m finally gonna get started on re-posting The Killer Station of Deadly Doom soon!  I got all the old pages re-sized and in some places re-edited, I just haven’t had time to get them all on the site yet.  I can’t promise they’ll ALL make it up before the end of the month, but I’m definitely going to try to at least get the process started.  And speaking of getting things started, just in case you missed it, I FINALLY got a new page of Jenna’s Patreon comic up over the weekend!  So stuff’s happening all over the place!

…oh right, I should really say something actually about today’s comic.  Um… who can identify the scifi in-jokes in Marshall’s freezer?

EDIT: Okay, new TWC incentive is up!