I just take it for granted that this is how all of Mariska’s nights out end.

Here’s hoping your New Year gets off to a better start than this!  I know how Mariska feels, though… well, not the drunken rambling part, but that’s about how I look after December ran me into the ground.  And not just all the Christmas pages either!  I’ve been teasing this for a while, but at long last I’ve finally started re-posting The Killer Station of Deadly Doom over on the Voting Incentive/Patreon Gallery!  It’s nowhere near complete yet (because HOLY CRAP that series ran a long time) but there’s around 40 pages up as I write this, and possibly a few more by the time you read it!  I dunno, though.  I mean, I still have to actually start drawing Monday’s new page.  That’s pretty much the story of this whole quest to re-post everything: as soon as I really get in the groove working on one thing, something ELSE needs doing…

EDIT: Oh crap, I totally forgot to do a sappy “thanks for sticking with me for another year” type message!  Is it even legal to allow a calendar milestone to pass without that kind of platitude?  I could be sent to content creator jail for this!  No, but seriously, I am a little flabbergasted at the fact that ANYBODY still came back to check on this comic over all the delays and hiatuses and everything.  Ya’ll are all deeply appreciated!