Wow, and you though the CHRISTMAS pages dug up some obscure characters. If you’re not sure where you’ve seen these two before, that’s alright. Technically, this is the FIRST time we’ve seen them. Maureen and Sandy were introduced via some merchandise in a page over a YEAR ago. Don’t ask me how I expected anyone other than me to remember that. Well, they’ve finally made a real appearance, better late than never!

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Don’t do anything TOO stupid as you celebrate tonight, okay? After all, we’ve got ANOTHER new page going online tomorrow! Can’t have you missing that, now can we?

(Historical Notes: Okay, I know I’ve been trying to cut down on the “Kid, you have no idea” notes, but over a year between appearances is SO not even a big deal in this comic anymore.  I don’t even want to try an figure out what the longest gap between appearances has been.  It’d hurt my brain too much.)