GEEZ, man; I went through some CRAP to get this page done. First, I had to draw part of it twice. The whole Lava Lamp Tree part turned out alright, but I drew Skye in that army surplus getup she’s been wearing since we first saw her. Since half the fun of these holiday pages is getting to do characters is new ways, it seemed like a waste to NOT come up with a new costume. So, I come up with this new Earth Mother outfit that really does look awesome, but forgot to make it the same SIZE as the Skye in the original drawing. Thus, I go through this whole nightmare of scaling and re-scaling everything until it all matched up (yeah, I know a lot of you people do this all the time, but I’m not that advanced). THEN I did all the cool, dramatic lighting, which is actually REALLY hard and took forever… AND THEN I ACCIDENTALLY SAVED OVER THE FINISHED PAGE AND HAD TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!!!

Ranting aside, I actually REALLY like this page. My second take on the lighting actually turned out better than the first, and I dare say that this is actually the best drawing of Skye I’ve EVER done.

Still, due to the repeated do-overs, I wasn’t able to get any more pages ready to go yesterday. Thus, this one will have to tide you over until Monday, when we can update again. But hey, it’ll be THREE pages!

(Historical Notes: This is still one of my favorite Christmas pages ever, I just love the whole lava lamp tree idea so much… ALTHOUGH, while I understand Past Me’s desire to draw Skye in something different for the occasion, I don’t think this outfit really works for her.  It’s hippy fashion, sure, but not really the right kind of hippy fashion for someone like Skye.  She’s just too unpretentious to wear anything even remotely fancy or ostentatious.  At best, she’d have a tiedye shirt under a practical denim workshirt, or a little hint of paisley fabric poking through a homemade pair of bell bottoms.  Stuff that’d survive weeks of traveling to festivals with minimal washing.  If anything, this is more of a Trigger outfit. …and it just now occurs to me that I’m writing this whole paragraph about a character I recently claimed to “not get.” Huh.)