Well THIS is kind of embarrassing. I was all proud of myself because, after so many weeks of delays and half-update, I finally, FINALLY was going to get a whole update up at once. Fully colored page, new Voting Incentive, all at the same time! Just like in the old days! …and then the time completely got away from me. I got the Incentive all colored in, leaned over to pat myself on the back, and suddenly realized it was already light outside. Oops.

But yeah! New Voting Incentive! Trust me when I say that this version is WAAAAAY better than the draft I tried to use Tuesday. I GUESS it’s worth the wait.

Also, did you read those Conventional Wisdom comics I was working on all week? If nothing else, it explains why I’ve been so behind on everything.

(Historical Notes: Okay, I generally try to stay coy about these sorts of things, so all I’m gonna say is I’ve STILL yet to hear a theory about what’s up with Tax that especially matches up with my actual plans… or, at least, if I have, Past Me immediately suppressed all memory of it.)