*sigh* Well, this is annoying.

First off, happy Valentine’s Day.  Here’s Tabitha’s parents being romantic.  This is what mad science love looks like.

On a grumpier note, I was SUPPOSED to announce that page 1260 was set to go live tomorrow right after this and yesterday’s celebratory pages.  I even got started penciling it… buuuuut I also went and got a booster shot on Friday and WOW it’s wiped me out.  Like, “spend pretty much all Saturday in bed” wiped out.  On the one hand, this page and yesterday’s were already far enough along for me to go ahead and queue them up ahead of time.  But as I type this out right now, page 1260 is nowhere NEAR ready.  I dunno, if I get my second wind on Monday, and can make good use of having this extra day to work on it, the new page MIGHT be done in time for Wednesday.  And if so, I guess I’ll come back and amend this commentary.  But if you’re reading it on Tuesday as is, then I thought better of pushing myself  In which case, check back NEXT Tuesday, I guess.  Sorry!

Update: Just wanted to flesh the above out a little, though the fact that I’m not REPLACING it really tell you all you need to know.  I’m feeling a lot better, but page 1260 is so far behind schedule at this point that, even if I did manage to get it done at some point this week, it’d be so late that doing so would endanger NEXT week’s page coming out on time.  So I’m just gonna cut my losses and say that page 1260 is next week’s page.  That way, I’m actually REALLY AHEAD OF SCHEDULE instead of horribly behind!  …yeah, I know.  Sorry again.  But hey, at least you got SOME content this week… and hopefully this time I won’t TOTALLY FORGET to do a new Voting Incentive!

EDIT: Okay, I indeed DID get a new Voting Incentive done, and if you’re tired of all the blue on this page… well, it’ll be the change of pace you need!