Boy, it sure is easier to get a page done when you do half of it a week ahead of time! …unless you spend nearly every waking moment of that week trying to get a batch of Conventional Wisdom comics done… and failing. I mean, those comics are ALMOST done, I really did think I had a shot of at least getting the pages themselves fully edited before stopping to work on this update. And even without that, it’s almost for certain that I’ll have that first batch of MAGFest comics edited and online before Friday’s update, so I’ll just go ahead and keep spamming links to that MAGFest update so there’ll be something here when they finally do go up.

Anyway, you might recall that last week, it was pointed out that the latest Stilez distraction seemed more like a Trigger idea than an Ichabod one… which was a valid enough point to be worth incorporating into this page. Besides, it also allowed a chance to engage in Far Out There’s favorite thing every: VAGUELY DESCRIBED WEIRDNESS THAT I’LL NEVER HAVE TO DRAW OR FULLY EXPLAIN!

And speaking of weird things, there’s also a new Voting Incentive which… geez, I know for a fact I don’t do drugs, and even I’m starting to wonder what I was smoking when I drew some of these…

EDIT: Friday’s page is running late again, thanks in no small part to extreme post-Conventional Wisdom sleep deprivation making work ever so slightly difficult. JUST in case I pass out before it’s presentable, I figured I should go ahead and post a little head’s up. Hey, there’s a fresh Voting Incentive up already, so you can at least go see THAT (or, you know, click one of the dozen Conventional Wisdom links and read those)

(Historical Notes: Yeah, in case you couldn’t tell, the original post of this page had, like, ten links to the Conventional Wisdom page… which I haven’t re-posted on the new site as I write this, and at this point I strongly doubt I’ll ever come back and add the links even after they HAVE been restored.  Anyway, to reiterate what I was saying a few pages ago, I totally forgot that Past Me worked in a response to the comments about Trigger being the one who should have rigged up the punching machine.  I started to write an explanation about Trigger setting it up at the same time that he hot-wired the pizza machine, and told Ichabod about it so he could use it later… but this explanation is WAY more vague adn weird and Far Out There-y.)