It is NOT just a stack of pizzas, it is ONE pizza that is TOPPED by many other pizzas. There’s a DIFFERENCE.

Also, WOW! I got a page completely finished well before noon! All posted at once! And in the middle of a Conventional Wisdom comic scramble, on top of everything! Yay me! …I mean, yeah, I still didn’t get this up until nine hours after midnight, but still! It’s the best update news in a few weeks, so let’s focus on that!

And, on top of everything, I’m rather pleased with today’s Voting Incentive too! It’s a good morning all around!

(Historical Notes: So, in all my excited about things “going right,” Past Me never noticed that I’d mistyped the page number for this one.  While it’s listed HERE as page 968, and that is indeed what the file was numbered, I wrote out the page title as “page 969.”  And because Past Me didn’t notice what had happened when it happened, I just plowed straight into saving the NEXT page as number 970.  In other words, there just WASN’T any actual page 969.  And you know what THAT means…)