See? See? Far Out There really IS still putting stuff out in the midst of this hibernation! I said I’d break hiatus in order to keep doing holiday pages and, MAN, there’s some goofy holidays out there. Apparently the 21st is also Museum Selfie Day and National Banana Bread Day. I could easily do a silly little holiday page for every day of the month… but that would sort of defeat the purpose of taking a break in the first place. But hey, what dubious holiday could possibly suit Far Out There better than one about completely gratuitous hugging?

(Historical Notes: Despite the very sensible thing Past Me just said, I really DID contemplate picking at least one really random “holiday” a month to do a silly comic about, because there really ARE a lot of ’em.  But it’s true, I kind of DID have some more important things to worry about than drawing a page on for National Guitar Day on Feb. 11th.)