It’s like a full meal version of that one mystery soda machine in Seattle!

So, this was another one of those pages where I had to chuck whole drafts of the page and start over from scratch. I just couldn’t figure out a way to cram all the necessary visual information of the second half into one single frame and have it all be understandable. In fact, I still didn’t really pull it off. The “establishing shot” was supposed to make it clear that this is one of the snack machines in the dinning hall that Ichabod modded to be more interesting to Stilez… but I couldn’t pull the view out far enough to show the whole row of snack machines AND keep the punching game stuff legible in the same frame, and I was already endangering the pacing of the page by having two frames down there instead of one as it was. I’m sure there’s some brilliant layout idea that would solve all this, but between all those Conventional Wisdom comics I’m still trying to finish, the rest of those Patreon comics that I’d REEEAAALLY hoped would be up by now, and several unexpected Real Life distractions, I just didn’t have time to discover it. Ah well, such are the staggering challenges of art.

But at least I managed to get a new Voting Incentive done in the middle of all this!

(Historical Notes: Okay, there’s at least ONE more page with the old commentary intact.  Hopefully the streak continues for a while longer.  Anyway, the whole “Stilez is distracted by food” gag is really starting to wear thin at this point, but the added PUNCHline *rimshot* gives this page a bit more of a reason to exist.  Also, while I wrote this page under the assumption that Ichabod somehow rigged this up, it was quite correctly pointed out that this looks more like a Trigger thing.  I started to write an explanation here before I remembered it actually GOT an explanation a few pages later.  Whoops.)