Okay, remember when I said to stay tuned for Friday to see more of the site revamp… Uh… hold that thought. Sorry, but I severely underestimated how long it’d been since I played around with HTML, and I don’t want to go screwing up any of the layout of buttons until I’m SURE they’ll actually work right. That’ll be… heck, I dunno. In the mean time, I AM working on more new art for the Character Profiles. At least that’s something, right? Of course, I’m also having to get caught up on preparations for Anime USA in a few weeks, so that could delay things even further. *sigh* Anyone out there want to be my webmaster/personal assistant/slave? It’d make my work a LOT easier!

Oh, and the image of Bridget “flexing” is absurdly funny. MAN, I love them lil’ zombie younguns.

(Historical Notes: I also really like sign maker guy.  Utterly meaningless and futile shows of support are always the most popular forms of support.)