I like how dynamic this page turned out, especially after all the talking. Plus, not only does Avatar get a whole page to herself after her absence, but we get a “subtle” reminder of why they need her back in the first place!

That said, the last panel kind of bugs me. In the rough draft, the robot had a neat, round break in its teeth, but that just made it look like it was whistling. Thus, I went for broke making things all gnarly and bent… to the point that I worry you can’t even tell what’s happened to its mouth. Dang it!

Oh, and site update work is still going slowly. I’m severely behind at getting my stuff together for Anime USA later this month, and that deadline is kind of unavoidable…

(Historical Notes: I’m reeeeeaaaaally trying hard to reign in the comments comparing the situation a decade ago to the current one.  Trying REEEEEEAAAAALLY hard.  Also, why are there not more pages just of Avatar doing stuff?)