TAA DAA!!! That’s right, Far Out There has lasted ANOTHER hundred pages! Can you believe it? I sure can’t. In fact, I think this is all just an elaborate hoax… but that’s probably just the psychosis talking. Anyway, thanks for continuing to read my silly drivel. I hope it’s been as fun for you guys as it’s been for me. Now, ON TO 300!!!

Anyway, remember what I said about me revamping the site layout in honor of this event? …yeah, about that… I really have been working on a new layout, but real life intruded on the making of the comic itself, and by the time THAT was done, there wasn’t really time left to screw around with html. Well, I guess there still was, but I don’t think the result would actually be an improvement if I just scramble to do everything at the last minute. I’ll add new stuff as it gets done over the next week or two. One thing that I DID get done is adding Skye and Tabitha to the profile page. About dang time, huh?

As for the comic itself, I’ve kind of got mixed feelings about ow this page turned out. In my original draft, the main panel was at a more dramatic angle with a more dramatic background. You could see where the ship had been docked and the Convention Center was off in the distance and all that. Problem was, I totally broke perspective as we know it trying to squeeze all that in. Thus, we have a plainer but more realistic picture here. I guess it’s alright (I like it better than Page 100) but still a little disappointing.