I hope I wasn’t being TOO subtle in slipping this character into the comic with the rest of Rev. Bonfire’s crew. After Dr. Caligari and Tabitha made their presence known with a sledgehammer, I worry that some of ya’ll might have forgotten that you even saw her before. Well, she’s certainly made an impression on TRIGGER anyway.

And now for some characters you can’t POSSIBLY miss, because I’m going to point them all out: TODAY’S CAMEOS!!!

Right next to Trigger in the first panel, with the wings, is Angelo, as created by cool guy.

On the far right of that panel, in the white cloak, is Beebe from Niccea’s Red and White

In the third panel, carrying a cello around (yay cellos!) is Betsy from Running on Empty 08 by Aghammer

In the middle of the same panel, with the granny glasses, is Ingrid of the Mad Scientist Wars

Finally, on the RIGHT of that panel, are Brett and Turtle (the latter riding on the head of the former) from Eddie Jensen’s DragonSlayer

Plus, as always, one cameo entirely for my own amusement: Mechazawa from Cromartie High School can be seen wandering past Angelo in the first panel

(Historical Notes: I shouldn’t have worried about Skye’s pre-introduction being too subtle, she’s so in the background that I completely forgot to add tags for her when I first re-posted the pages.  Also, just one working link, and it’s for a comic that hasn’t updated in a decade.  I’ve fully come around from being depressed over how many of these things are dead to being proud to bear some of the few traces of their existence.  These are tantalizing relics of a past long gone!  The only remnants of destroyed works!  Somebody call the Lost Media Wiki!)