Well, at least they always wind up back on the same page at the end of it all, right?  Or, more importantly, never ever under ANY circumstances suggest to a kid that they might not be getting their promised desert.  Not if you want to still have all your extremities intact by the end of the night.

ANYWAY, it was a bit up in the air if I was even going to have this comic done this morning.  I went on a bit of a manic energy splurge of productivity over the weekend, but it was all Conventional Wisdom-related stuff, and I went and crashed right as I was supposed to be working on today’s page.  I was this close to sticking an edit message onto the end of last week’s commentary, or at the very least posting an unedited version of this page and going on to bed.  But thankfully, I got my second wind and here we are.  Please enjoy your daily dose of really silly faces.