Okay, before we go any further: MOTHER’S DAY COMIC I FORGOT TO TELL PEOPLE TO CHECK BACK FOR!  Yes, despite spending a whole paragraph last week complaining about all the stuff I had to get done (and why there wouldn’t be a new TWC Incentive to make room for it), I never actually specifically said “Oh, and be sure to come back on Sunday to see an extra holiday comic!”  I really gotta get better about that stuff.

Or maybe I was just distracted by thinking about this page, because the image of Layla being brought to tears over a really good steak is one of those weird little character beats I’ve had in my brain for YEARS but only just now found an excuse to actually work into a comic.  You’d be shocked just how many of those kinds of things are still rattling around in my head even after all this time.

Well, there may not be an extra holiday comic in the works, but I DO have two more Conventional Wisdom comics that really need to get done this week so that I can fully focus on getting ready for Animazement NEXT week.  Thus, it’s kind of unlikely that there’ll be a fresh TWC Incentive again.  I dunno, if I can knock enough stuff out over the next two days, MAYBE the timing will work out.  It all depends on the other stuff.  So stay tuned!