Like so much child behavior, it started out cute, then got increasingly less so the more it went on… and I just now realize as I gathered up those links, the interactions have gotten more and more food related over time, huh?

Also, just in case the bunch of links above wasn’t obvious, this was always planned to be a progressively mutating running gag… which probably would have worked a whole lot better if literal years didn’t pass between instances.

Insert the usual stuff about a fresh TWC Voting Incentive and some Patreon stuff coming in the near future HERE. (Sorry, but I’ve been hobbling around on a hurt foot all day and am kind of in a hurry to go lay down the moment I hit “publish” on this.)

4/25 EDIT: Oh hey, look!  I’m finally getting around to re-posting old TWC Incentives again!  There’s already a batch up 2013 Incentives up right now, and possibly more by the time you read this!

4/28 EDIT: New TWC Incentive is up, and it’s weeeeird (also, there is indeed a whole second batch of old Incentives in the Gallery, right after the ones linked above)