I’d make a joke about this being a good comic to be doing in the middle of winter, but I live in The South.  Our winters don’t even count.

Instead, I’ll say that this really feels like an “old school Far Out There” page to me.  You know, weird random science fiction ideas  that exist for their own sake and walls of text I don’t have to color in and one of the Short Pants Squad around to hog the spotlight.  Half the reason I brought Mariska & the others on as cast members was in hopes that more Nitpickers would allow me to do more pages in this vein, and I guess it’s working!

Speaking of old school, just in case you missed the announcement on the New Years page, I finally started re-posting The Killer Station of Deadly Doom!  It’s around one-quarter up at this point, and hopefully I’ll be getting some more re-posted over the course of this week… though that depends on a lot of other things that are kind of in flux at the moment.  As much as I like going back over old content and writing up new commentary for it, it’s REALLY hard to get out of that groove and switch over to something else… and there’s always a lot of something else to do.

Finally, random note: I originally doodled Trigger clutching his shirt to make him look unhappy about somebody else apparently being in distress, but looking at it now, it seems more like he’s unconsciously copying Mariska.  I actually kind of like the idea of Trigger just naturally copying others without realizing it.  Maybe it’s that super saboteur training kicking in to help him blend in to his surroundings?

EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive swapped out, right on cue!