Only a SLIGHT exaggeration over the usual comics, actually. That goes both for silliness and sheer excessive text levels.

Anyway, I wanted to do something different for, um, the one day where I set out to do something different. And after the big long elaborate April Fools pages in the past, a massive wall of text seemed like the biggest swerve I could do. Also, I kind of sort of didn’t have time to draw anything more elaborate this time around. There’s that too.

Now, if you wanna see a BIG April Fools joke, head on over to Conventional Wisdom and see what I just dropped over there!

Oh, and just in case you missed it on Friday, there’s still an ACTUAL new Far Out There page for your non-Fool-related enjoyment.

(Historical Notes: Man, of all pages to actually be preserved on the Wayback Machine, it had to be the one full of deliberate misinformation, huh?  Still, I’m glad to be able to see the original reactions to this page, because it inspired some additional crazy plot development theories.  I think my favorite was that Ichabod’s mysterious girlfriend would turn out to be a temporally-displaced older Layla.  That’s some PRIME crazy theorizing.  Also, this particular April 1st turned out to also be Easter, and there was some disappointment that I didn’t try to do a two-for-one holiday combo, or some kind of crossover with the batch of ConCONcon comics that went up on Conventional Wisdom.  Past Me tried to play it coy, but the honest truth is that this particular April Fools comic wasn’t more elaborate because… I just plain forgot about it.  You’ll notice there’s a general dearth of holiday pages compared to other years, and it’s because I was just getting too burned out to even get the REGULAR pages done, never mind extra stuff.)