Okay, let me level with you guys. I TOTALLY forgot that April Fool’s Day was coming until around 10 PM the night before. That left no time to make a “real” looking page, but I didn’t want to skip it after doing an April Fool’s page the past two years (that equals A TRADITION!) So, instead, you get this… experiment in a new art/writing style.

The funny thing is, I could name five webcomics of the top of my head where this could pass as a “real” comic. And honestly, this was WAY more fun that doing another Fake Out Ending.

Anyway, if you’re just now tuning in and are really confused, don’t worry. The ACTUAL Friday page did update as usual, so just hit that little “BACK” button to see it.

Oh, and you wanna know something really odd? This little brainfart is technically the 400th page of Far Out There, if you count all the holiday pages (which I don’t, because I needlessly complicate things)

(Historical Notes: The though occurs as I look at this again that it’s pretty much the EXACT sort of nonsense I used to draw for the old Digimon forums I’d frequent back in the day.  So, in a way, this is a key glimpse into the primordial origins of Far Out There itself.  How terrifying.)