Hoooooo boy, I am gonna be limping across the finish line with this one, gang.  Due to complications with people’s schedules, we wound up doing a pretty fair chunk of the family Christmas stuff several days early, which was fine for what it was and all.  Unfortunately, it DID mean that most of the page buffer I’d built up with those previous mass queue sprees got burnt while I worked on other stuff.  What “other stuff,” you ask?  Oh, just drawing up four separate coloring books for my nieces and nephews. You can imagine how that might eat up a couple day’s productivity.  Still, having said all that, I’m still managing to get this queued up far enough ahead that I still have to tack a “hopefully” before the bit about there being a new Voting Incentive up today.  I’m certainly gonna TRY to have one ready between when I write this and when you read it, it’s just another question of whether or not I can remember what day it is when the time comes.

EDIT: Well, I ALMOST forgot!  Technically speaking, if you checked in around the time these pages have been going live, I did indeed not have a fresh TWC Incentive up.  Thankfully, I did end up remembering before TOO long, so in all likelihood most of you would never have known anything had happened if I hadn’t said anything… oops.