Oh yeah, “site freeze should finish 11am, Monday.” Sure, whatever. Well, it’s uncomfortably late in the afternoon, but DrunkDuck is FINALLY letting me post these pages. And yes, I DID get the intended Saturday and Sunday pages done too. That means there’s TWO MORE NEW PAGES just waiting for you to hit the “LAST” button and see them!

Anyway, DUDE! VENGEANCE! We’ve seen even less of him than Stilez and Tax! Poor guy, in only you were easier to write into already bloated and overly-complex plot arcs…

Oh, and for those of you playing along at home, this is the second year in a row that Ichabod’s brought up how anachronistic it is to depict the Magi as being present at the manger. This is why Nitpicker’s shouldn’t be allowed to plan Christmas pageants.

(Historical Notes: If this were a crossover with Conventional Wisdom, this would be a great place for Yoink to point out the re-used joke)