Have we mentioned that Jenna likes boys? There’ve been plenty of hints, but this is a more overt reminder. That girl really, REALLY appreciates a good lookin’ guy.

Moving on, this page is… kind of different. Where as the previous pages have been full of callbacks, this one is all about laying the groundwork for the future! While we’ve either seen or heard about a few of these people already, the vast majority of the characters in panel one are complete strangers to you all. Have fun guessing what all these early bird cameos are going to lead up to!

(Historical Notes: I can’t remember if I bring this up in the original comments later, but this is around the point where the text REALLY doesn’t coexist with the rest of the image very well.  I’d tried to help things out by slightly lightening up the background, but that was nowhere near enough to make the black text pop.  Unfortunately, it WAS enough to ensure that I couldn’t go back and change the text color to white, because now THAT blends in even WORSE!  Thanks Past Me.  Oh, and speaking of whom, I bet Past Me would be SHOCKED that even here in 2020, most of the early bird cameos in this page still haven’t come into play yet.  If nothing else, we HAVE seen the red-haired lady a bit since this page.  That’s Ursula Madrigal, an actress we’ve seen on TV a few times, in what are actually STILL early bird cameos!  There is SO MUCH STUFF I haven’t done in this comic yet!)