Stilez vs. Christmas – page 1
I feel some apologies are in order for the… bare bones art in this story. My original plan had been to shade the pencil art like in the Bridget & Alphonse story, but I only got halfway through the cover before I remembered why I haven’t done that sense: it doesn’t look anywhere near good enough to justify the time it takes.
So, yeah. Hope you guys can tolerate the pencil art. I needed to make sure I got all these pages done early enough as to have plenty of time for the full color pages later. After all, those won’t have a story to distract from any lame art.
Oh, but look! That seems to be Vashti! I do believe this is the first time we’ve seen her someplace other than a billboard or on TV!
Finally, there’s a new Voting Incentive. As I said earlier, I’ll TRY to keep new Incentives coming at the usual Tuesday/Friday rate, so keep watching the comments for update (Or, you know, just vote every day! There’s always that!)
(Historical Notes: I’m not sure why Past me keeps blaming the penciled art here, that’s not even the major problem for these comics. We’ll get to the REAL main offender soon enough, though. Now IS a good time to stress that there IS a long-term plan to actually see Vashti live and in person outside of a Christmas comic… a veeeeery long-term plan.)
True, Tax isn’t directly dangerous, but she does tend to encourage Stilez…. (many years in the future and the other side of the fourth wall is probably a safe distance…probably?)
I dunno, the fourth wall hasn’t been protecting ME all that much.
Page 759: Plot plot plot not plot has Ichabod outright stating that it has become a documented fact that Stilez’s behaviour patterns changed after meeting Tax. While we do not have the details on this, we also know that Stilez was an unstoppable one-cat warforce before meeting Tax, and now can be distracted by shiny lights & held off with a simple wall of water, while preferring to stay away from scented air-based cleaning sprays.
Also, are we really many years in the future? I was under the impression that we were many centuries in the past, given all the space things.
I thought the idea was that THEY’RE the one’s in the future, and we’re protected by being in here in the past.
It was my impression that the change was gradual and progressive, rather than sudden – she wasn’t such a ditz back during the meat-underwear incident, so she’s definitely getting worse, or better, depending on your perspective.
Also, Tax has been shown to enjoy Stilez causing explosions, so even though she may not be as overtly hostile as pre-Tax, she’s still very destructive.