Oh, look! A single panel comic! That must mean I’m either in the process of wrapping up a Conventional Wisdom update, OR trying to get ahead on things before a convention trip. SURPRISE! It’s both! I’m finally really actually for real going to have the Otakon 2017 comics done later this week, and I head down to Atlanta for AWA NEXT week, so between those I sorta needed to get this finished very quickly. So, of COURSE, my computer decided to start acting funky right in the middle of the update. Aside from forcing me to do today’s Voting Incentive all over again because it crashed before I could save the first version, those problems also altered how this page turned out. The PLAN was for that box Bridget’s holding to have a window in the front, so we could see some kind of weird glowy sciency thing inside… buuuut then I got all jumpy at the thought of the computer crashing again and decided to wrap things up quickly (It didn’t crash again, by the way). Oh well.

Anyway, the important thing to remember is that Bridget’s still very jealous.

(Historical Notes: I’m fairly sure the Stilez artwork here is translated from a previous page.  Also, a large chunk of the comments revolved around me apologizing for some Patreon comics taking longer than expected.  Some things never change, huh?)