Geez, the ladies in this comic are a dangerous bunch. Bridget and Layla should meet up later and have a grumpy jealousy conference.

Well, believe it or not, I STILL don’t have the Conventional Wisdom update finished as I write this… but only because I had to stop getting the pages ready so that I could get THIS page done. Everything should online by this evening, so be sure to go check that out.

And don’t forget to check out the new Voting Incentive! …which also bears the unmistakable look of something that was done while also working on other things.

EDIT: Awww DANG IT, I forgot to put a title on this page. I’d change it, but I’m too lazy to repost all the links again (the page title shows up in the page address, so if I change anything, all the old links stop working)

(Historical Notes: The comments for this page were pretty much entirely about the Misanthrope Genie Arc, which more and more people have no idea is even a thing, especially since Photobucket is inaccessible now.  I still haven’t decided what to do about those on the new site yet.  I could slip it into the Voting Incentive gallery when that gets set up, but part of me wants to set up a secret sub-page JUST for those comics and not have any direct links to it.  A little secret that only a select few will know about, ya know?)