Oh man, of all the comics I did NOT want to leave people hanging on. Guys, I am SO sorry this update took so long, and that it’s STILL not finished yet, but the Conventional Wisdom MAGFest comics are absolutely kicking my butt right now, and that’s slowing everything else down (and I was moving pretty slow coming out of MAGFest to begin with). I’ll have the finished version and a new Voting Incentive up by tonight, I promise.

Anyway, I’m pleased to see that Tuesday got everybody all in an uproar. I spent all weekend eagerly awaiting when that bomb would finally drop, cos I’m slightly evil like that. Buuuuuuuuut now comes boring old reality, and the fact that… yeah, that was really bad thing to do. I know everybody expected Layla to walk in on them, and I guess that probably would have been more laugh out loud funny. However, it also would have taken the focus off of Trigger’s reaction, and I thought dwelling on that was the best way to demonstrate that, fanservice or no, this was a BAD thing Tabitha just did.

EDIT: OKAY THERE, everything’s taken care of! Colored page and new Voting Incentive. Now, back to Conventional Wisdom…

(Historical Notes: As I write this, it is 1:30am, New Years Day, 2021… and I done goofed.  In all the craziness and confusion of the end of the year and the beginning of the next, I managed to completely miss the message that SmackJeeves would finally be shutting down for good today, and taking all of its remaining files with it.  Now, obviously, I still have all of my old comics safely stored on my computer, so that’s not the problem.  What IS a problem is that I don’t have any of the old Author’s comments saved here, let alone all the reader comments.  Now, the Wayback Machine seems to have MOST of the stuff mirrored in one form or another, but I guess because of the way the last stage of SJ changed up the site layout, the more recent snapshots of the site don’t actually have any of the comments at all.  There’s some OOOOOOLD pre-site-change snapshots that still seem to have all their text, but I can’t guarantee that every single page has been preserved in this form. Thus, there MIGHT turn out to be a few pages where the original commentary is legitimately gone forever.  Sorry I wasn’t on the ball about this, guys.)