Well, THIS was pretty much inevitable, wasn’t it? Heck, I don’t even think Trigger had time to go find Layla and tell her what happened. Layla’s Trigger Sense probably started tingling and she just magically appeared in a cloud of rage.

So, I actually did get a new Voting Incentive done ahead of the page this time… which is kind of a miracle considering how badly the Conventional Wisdom update is dragging. I’ve decided to try spreading this year’s MAGFest update out across a few weeks. Later this week I’ll post the pages already finish in one batch, and next week I post what I’ve finished since then and so forth. I don’t really like stretching out an update that much, but at the current rate (and given how much material I’m working with) it’s the only way to get SOMETHING online while MAGFest is still fresh in people’s memory. But the good news for Far Out There is that these bite-sized updates probably won’t wear me down quite as much as a normal sized Conventional Wisdom update does. Thus, I don’t THINK there’ll be any more half-finished pages or missing Voting Incentives in the midst of it all. And if nothing else, THAT’S good news, right?

(Historical Notes: I’m still not very happy with Angry Layla’s expression on the bottom panel, but this is another one of those pages where the presence of a background really limits how much messing around I can do.  Stop spontaneously combusting all the time, Layla!)