I really need to stop thinking “Oh, this page is basically just one panel! I’m sure I’ll be able to get it done quicker than usual!” That almost never turns out to be the case, I just end up… oh, I dunno, a cramped, chaotic page where I have to keep moving characters and speech balloons around for HOURS until everything shows up right.

…aaaaand I should also point out that, once AGAIN, I was up way too late working on something Conventional Wisdom related. Yes, even AFTER all the last of the Otakon stuff is taken care of. This time I’m trying to get those weekly anime comics for Patreon up and running again, by getting a whole show’s worth of material finished in advance, so they can update without interruption while I work on other stuff… like, say, the weekly Far Out There comics for Patreon! Those have kinda stalled over the summer too, huh? I also want to get a nice backlog of THOSE done over the next few weeks, so that I’ll have time to focus on doing at LEAST one other Far Out There MadLib before the end of the year… yeish, it feels like literally every thing I accomplish in life is just a means of getting to some other thing that still needs to be done.

Oh, and don’t forget, New Voting Incentive!

(Historical Notes: I’m just gonna plant this seed in everybody’s head, but this drawing of Stilez and Tabitha got re-used in a much later page, so keep an eye out for that little cut corner -GAH I MEAN EASTER EGG!)