Well, it’s not like there was really any other possible outcome at this point, right?

Well, I gotta level with you guys, I’m scrambling to get stuff ready to sell in Artist Alley at Anime USA by the time you read this. Not only do I not have much else to add here, but I don’t even know that the new Voting Incentive will be as I write this. I mean, I know there’s gonna be a new one by the time this update goes up, I’ve got a whole pile of ’em to scan here. I just don’t know which one will end up getting colored in first. So be sure to vote and find out something my past self doesn’t know yet! EXCITING FUTURE KNOWLEDGE!

(Historical Notes: a rare case of me actually doing a good job of drawing a character at an extreme angle.  I seem to recall that one panel took a loooooot of tries to get right.  Also, how funny is it that Present Me has no idea what the Incentive was that day either?)