So, just in case you guys forgot (since it’s been, like, three years or something), it’s been previously established that Dr. Caligari’s “alchemy” doesn’t actually work (and isn’t really alchemy anyway), but is in fact “Normal” mad science he’s too delusional to remember doing. Without that knowledge, this conversation doesn’t really make much sense. FOOTNOTES!

Also, Tabitha’s Mom has been mentioned several times without being seen. BEGIN SPECULATION NOW.

So, this page is more simplistic than it ought to be. Sorry about the blank backgrounds, but I failed to get this done before leaving for Intevention and had to bash it out so that I could work on Conventional Wisdom. The GOOD news, though, is that I did manage to get another Voting Incentive finished. I’m gonna try my darnedest to keep this up, since we’re only six pages away from the end of Killer Station of Deadly Doom and I hate to keep interrupting it at this point. Still, I’m gonna be out of town next weekend for a wedding, and the weekend immediately after THAT for Anime USA, so we’ll see what happens.