Page 472 – No Commentary, Please
Part of the reason I’ve been looking forward to getting to this little episode is because it means everyone else is finally learning stuff I’ve taken as a given for AGES. There’s actually a number of fairly important things that greatly influence how this story and these characters work, but you guys don’t know about any of it ‘cos I haven’t found moments where I can clearly address them. For example, I’ve alluded to this, some times more subtlety than others, for ages but only now get to establish it as absolute fact: Layla absolutely WORSHIPED her father.
So, I as part of that excitement, I did something out of the ordinary with this comic. For the first time in, well, ever, I drew every panel separately (well, I guess there’s only one “panel”, but you get my drift) and pasted ’em all together for the final draft. On the one hand, it looks VERY nice. On the other, it took a LONG time to draw, and would have taken even longer if I had to worry about panels and coloring everything. So, yeah, don’t expect me to do it again any time soon.. unless I do more pages with lots of empty void around everything. 😀
Still, I gotta find ONE thing to complain about. Generally, I like the lack of detail on Layla’s Dad. It’s Layla’s story, after all, so the focus should be on her. Still, I think I may have left him a little TOO blank. A the very least, I wish it looked less like Layla spent her childhood hanging out with Slenderman… Actually, no. I take that back. Little Layla chilling with Slenderman is the most awesome thing in the history of awesome.
OH! One more thing! VOTING INCENTIVES ARE RUNNING AGAIN! Sorry to keep slacking off on the things, guys. It shouldn’t happen again any time soon!
(Historical Notes: Of course, the REAL reason we’re not seeing the face of Layla’s Dad is to avoid spoiling the fact that the face would actually be rather familiar. I sure do wish I could squeeze a sneaky link in here, but once again, I’m writing this well before I’ve had a chance to start re-posting the old Voting Incentives. Heck, I can’t even include one of the links that was in the original comment, because there’s nothing to connect it to at the moment. Also, you see me making a big deal about me finally moving away from drawing the entire page on a single sheet of paper, which is a good thing, but… well, I’ll wait for a better example to point to before I bring up my problem.)
Good to know that she didn’t grow up soiled.
Oh wow, THAT’S quite the typo, isn’t it? And you know what’s worse? That WASN’T in the SmackJeeves posting of this page, and there’s no readers comments pointing it out over there. That means I totally caught the typo myself before anyone had the chance to see it… and STILL didn’t actually fix it on my “master copy” of the page, just the web-sized version. Past Me found all KINDS of ways to make this process trickier.
Speaking of old Voting Incentives, I’m curious what the plan is for them – are those going to be in a special section of the site, interspersed with other comics, or will it still require a vote on TWC (linking to a complete list of past incentives instead of just the latest)?
Hopefully, the eventual arrangement will be about the same as it used to be with the SmackJeeves pages. The old Incentives will be collected on a sub-domain of this page ( or something along those lines) with new pages appearing on TWC a few weeks before they go live on this site. I just need to get more of the main comic stuff done before I can start working on the side stories.