I think, in her mind, Layla meant to say something more dramatic like “Father.” But really, I think “Daddy” actually says a whole lot more.

Okay, so remember all that stuff I said about life being crazy and things getting disrupted? Well, turns out I was on to something. Not only am I still trying to find a place to live in a few weeks, now I have to do it without any internet. Yep, our apartment’s web connection’s been dead for a few days now. I’m writing this from the computer lab at Georgetown University (where I technically shouldn’t be)

What does this mean? Well, the good news is the main comic isn’t going to be affected. Believe it or not, I’ve actually got the next TWO WEEKS of comics drawn, scanned, and cued up to update automatically, so no problems there… but that’s only the main comic. As much as it pains me to say this, The Killer Station of Deadly Doom is on hiatus until things settle down (or at least until the internet starts working). I’m sorry, but I just need one less thing to do right now. Feel free to keep voting for Far Out There on Top WebComics, though!

In the meantime, go visit The Forum! Things are actually happening there! It’s awesome!

(Historical Notes: OOOooooh yeah, those are some fun memories to revisit.  This stretch of time wasn’t technically my WORST in DC, but it was easily the most stressful.  Then again, the thing about it that’s most amazing to me NOW is remembering a time when I didn’t have a smartphone and couldn’t check on website stuff from literally any point anywhere.  It’s strange that that feels so strange… and I’m going to keep thinking about that to block out the second-hand embarrassment of watching Kevin get DESTROYED.  I mean, I’m the one who wrote it, and I know he deserves it, but WOW it’s painful to imagine being in his shoes right now.)