There. It’s still nowhere near as done as I’d like, but it’s the best I can do with the time I’ve got (and I’ve still got to start working on a Conventional Wisdom update after this…) I don’t like all the white void background everywhere, but leaving the final panel as sketchy line art works pretty well, I think.

Anyway, is this a New Power as the Plot Demands? I think it’s pretty close. I only introduced Avatar’s Tape Recorder Powers when it became clear that the rapidly unfolding plot wouldn’t make sense without it, but I think it actually makes since. Why NOT give the repository of all human knowledge the ability to play back information? I also like to think she’s got USB ports in her ears.

Oh, and about that face: Originally Avatar was just going to “speak” Jenna’s words as she would any others, but then I went and started reading Kiwi Blitz and decided it’d be better for everyone if I wend and stole 42’s mouth speaker face. Oh, and speaking of the line: there was a brief, terrifying moment where I couldn’t remember if Jenna actually had any dialog that Avatar would be around to hear. Fortunately, I managed to find at least one.

And, of course, NEW VOTING INCENTIVE!!!

(Historical Notes: Well, we sure haven’t seen THIS ability very much since it was introduced, have we?  Yeah, a purely sound-based skill is kind of hard to write into a story being told in a silent medium.  Also, this page got almost as much of a reaction as the sad Jenna birthday page.  The only thing that gets Far Out There’s readerbase riled up more than tragic woobies is a chance to speculate over nitpicky details!  And I wouldn’t have it any other way!)