Well, I really hope you guys enjoy this page, ‘cos I had to do the thing TWICE. We had some friends coming up for the 4th, so I was trying to get as many pages as I could done over the weekend. Aaaaand I kind of accidentally saved over this one after completely finishing it the first time through. I was… annoyed.

Speaking of annoyed, I noticed something kind of embarrassing while looking over the earlier pages of this little arc (something I should do more often, for reason which shall soon be revealed): Jenna’s hair has been getting progressively shorter since we first met her. Seriously, hop back to her first appearance on page 310 and compare it to now. She’s lost at least an inch or two. I guess we COULD say that Megaweapon’s been on a hair-pulling frenzy for the past day or so, and that’s what happened… but that would imply that I meant to do it in the first place.

Something I DID mean to do was TODAY’S NEW VOTING INCENTIVE! Go vote and enjoy!

(Historical Notes: There was some debate on the other site over whether or not it made sense for Avatar to be panting here, contrasting her demonstrated ability to survive without breathing verses the need to exhale air to make sounds versus the fact that we saw her speaking in space, but it all comes down to the fact that Avatar doesn’t make a lot of sense in general.  There’s also some added observations to be made about Jenna’s hair, but I’ll hold onto that for a bit.  Finally, just to reiterate what I said before, this is the first page to be posted exclusively to SmackJeeves rather than being mirrored on DrunckDuck.  You’re slacking off on the milestones, Past Me!)