Yet another example of me getting material from the comments. See why leaving comments is good? You should try it sometime!

Speaking of which, OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH LOOK! There’s actual activity in The Forums!!! YAAAAAY!

*ahem* Um… also, new Voting Incentive. See that too.

(Historical Notes: OOOooooh, the irony is too much.  As I complained several times over previous pages, the whole reason I’d started ripping page files off of SmackJeeves in the first place was because my master copies still have typos that only got fixed on the web-sized version.  Well, I finally decided the drop in quality on those files was to much and started working from the source again, telling myself I’d just be more cautious about catching errors… and THE VERY FIRST PAGE almost went here with a typo that literally broke the entire joke.  In the original file, Delia calls the big blue thing the “Super Nightmare Apocalypse Device” rather than “Super Apocalypse Nightmare Device,” despite the WHOLE PUNCHLINE being dependent on the words being in their proper order.  So, yeah, this does not bode well for my being able to crank these out quickly.  Also, past me neglected to be specific about what the alleged forum activity was, so now I can’t say.  I mean, I ASSUME it was some new fanart, but I can’t be sure.  Past me is the bane of Present Me’s existence.)