I still think the cloudy, semi-transparent effect is pretty nifty here. I also think it’s fairly convenient that Trigger and Avatar should stumble onto a device they don’t recognize precisely at the moment I got tired of writing page after page of technobabble. How convenient!

Also, this makes me wish we could have gotten a closer look at the labels and tags of more of these boxes. I have a feeling that this isn’t the only invention where the inventor got a little bit “creative” with the name (even if it does seem to be the only one where these two couldn’t figure out the inner workings on their own)

And speaking of knowing things, be sure to vote on Top WebComics and see the latest Incentive Comic. If I do say so myself, I think this one’s pretty dang hilarious (not that I’m biased or anything)

(Historical Notes: Okay, so about that translucent effect.  This is around the point where I really had to stop using the SmackJeeves files and start re-editing the originals again, and the blur effect is one of the reasons I started tinkering with the art again.  See, while I may have fallen in love with the blur tool at this point, I had NOT mastered the concept of layers.  Yes, for year and years longer than I should have, I did all the drawing and color and effects on the same, single layer.  As a result, a LOT of those blurry bits actually look really, REALLY sloppy when you zoom in.  Lots of instances of the surrounding colors and lines getting caught in the effect where they weren’t supposed to.  Now, 98% of those little flubs would never be noticeable once everything was scaled down to web size… but most of the SmackJeeves artifacts probably wouldn’t be noticed by most readers either.  The problem is that I’D notice, so I had to spend time trying to fix it.  Spend soooooo much time.)