Wait… didn’t I just finish explaining how I was dragging out the explanation of what’s going on so that we WOULDN’T get a wall of text? Well, in my own defense, all this yakking is to serve the joke in the last panel, not just me indulging in technobabble ‘cos I feel like it.

Speaking of which, I had a weird problem while writing Tabitha’s rant. See, as a direct result of literally being raised on Star Trek, I REALLY know my technobabble and unconsciously overthought just what she was saying here. As a result, I discovered to my horror that the rough draft of this page made PERFECT SENSE! That’d be good in any other case, but it ruined the joke here. Thankfully, Phil Farrand’s Technobabble Generator injected some much needed randomness and saved the day.

Seriously, though, you’ll get a rational explanation for all this madness but not before we break for CHRISTMAS STUFF!!! Starting MONDAY THE 14TH, Far Out There will update EVERY DAY UNTIL CHRISTMAS with new holiday art! …which I really need to hurry up and finish. Gonna be a BUSY weekend…

(Historical Notes: Man, I kind of wanna slap Past Me for having an extra two weeks to do HALF the Christmas stuff I do now, and TOTALLY WASTING ALL THAT TIME)