Hey look! MORE familiar faces! Sorry, Stilez fans, but neither she nor Tax are going to be this story any more than Ram Quatzi will be. I just figured one returning appearance deserved another. Besides, now we’ve got an idea why Ichabod was so freaked out about these two LAST time.

Speaking of cameos, let’s see who’s showing up THIS time!

The fellow with a fist emerging from his mouth in the first cameo is Ron, a “character” from Major Shake’s Total Disregard

Behind Ichabod in the second panel, having what seems to be a spirited debate, is Spyke from Stupidity is a Virtue by DrProfessorman

…and on the other side of that debate is Fred (hey, don’t look at me, I don’t create these people) from Life with Fred by Aghammer and Lycoris

And in one of my most self serving cameos yet, the fellow on fire in the last panel is the bug boy from one of my other comics: Point Me At The Sky (which I SWEAR will be updated before too long)

(Historical Note: Wow, that almost borders on a Funny Aneurysm Moment right there.  Also, the current posting of this page links to the Duck site for that comic, but I’m going to set up a new Point Me At The Sky page on blitzthecomicguy.com eventually.  Even if I never do get around to drawing that long-promised third chapter, and I’ve started to multiple times only to throw out each attempt, at the very least the existing ones will have a new home.)

Oh, and “reconst” is an Overdrawn at the Memory Bank” joke for my fellow MST3k fans.